The Big Bold Mindset® - Book Launch

The Big Bold Mindset® launches 🚀 today - it’s the culmination of 7 years of research into the leadership we need for the world today.

To solve the challenges of today we need leaders who think differently and act differently.

You simply can’t navigate a new world using an old set of charts.

How we think, act and lead needs a fresh set of charts.

The Big Bold Mindset® brings together business-relevant research, psychology, and case studies together with my own experiences woven to shape a blueprint for how leaders can effectively tackle the challenges we face.

Book Overview

What does it take to be a leader today?

To be a leader in times of exponential change where challenges come from every direction?

Today needs a different type of leader.

A leader with a Big Bold Mindset. Drawing on over three decades of experience working with ambitious leaders from world-class companies, Caspar Craven is on a mission to lead the movement on rethinking what leadership needs today.

In The Big Bold Mindset®, Caspar explains why we need to think differently and presents a series of principles to guide ambitious leaders.

In this blueprint, you will learn how any leader can achieve bigger bolder goals by:
- Understanding that you can’t navigate a new world using an old set of charts
- Developing new techniques for engaging and focusing yourself and your team
- Building new levels of resilience
- Learning how to go beyond cognitive processes and create greater stickability

Every principle is grounded in the idea that to get exceptional results, you need to think differently and act differently.

What Reviewers are Saying:

“a brilliant book from an inspiring and original thinker and international speaker. Packed full of practical ideas and tips on how to lead brilliantly in this modern era, A must for anyone and everyone in a leadership role”

“This is all about how to be an effective leader in an ever-changing world - if every leader could read this book, the world would be a much healthier and happier place”

“Everything you need to know about being a leader in times of relentless, crazy change, all in one great new book”

“Inspiring, thought-provoking, practical, and packed full of ideas wisdom, and common sense, and rewrites the rules on leadership. The world has changed. Leadership has to change. This book is a must-read for leaders navigating the modern era”.

What Leaders from World Class Organisations are saying when Caspar speaks to their senior leadership teams.

“Inspirational! You challenged us to think Big and Bold, to take extreme ownership as we embark to being an independent company, and to be more resilient. The feedback from the team was amazing. We loved the provocation, and all felt super inspired. Thank you!!" - Johnson and Johnson

"Worth the weight in gold” Burberry

“The perfect balance between strategy and making it real for the team. We loved it!" - Suntory

Buy The Big Bold Mindset on Amazon

About Caspar

Caspar is passionate about unravelling the secrets behind achieving Big Bold Goals. He understands firsthand, the importance of the mindset needed to achieve Big Bold Goals, from his own experience both as a serial entrepreneur and adventurer who has sailed twice around the world.

Caspar’s obsession over the last decade has taken him on a journey to learn from super-successful leaders worldwide and to study the science of bold leadership. Caspar is a sought-after leadership speaker on mindset, leadership, teamwork, and resilience needed to achieve Big Bold Goals.